FFT1 Required Documents

Records needed to verify Advanced FFT1

You will need to submit the following:
1. Copy of government issued photo Id, i.e. Driver’s License, Passport, etc…
2. Employee Verification Form – complete as much as possible
(If you are submitting through the database this form will not be necessary although
it can be used as a check list as you gather records)
3. FFT2 (S-130/S-190, I-100, L-180) Certificate (I-100 & L-180 req. After 1/06)
4. Incident Experience for FFT2 (minimum 1 Incident, 1 operational period, documented in shift tickets,
performance evaluations or manifest)
5. IS700A Certificate
6. S-131 Certificate (req. After 1/99)
7. S-133 Certificate (req. After 1/06)
8. Incident Experience for FFT1 Trainee (minimum of 3 fires and 15 operational periods documented in shift
shift tickets or performance evaluations that clearly show employee’s name)
9. FFT1 Taskbook (Cover page, fire experience pages and certification page)
10. Current year RT-130
11. WCFT for current year (roster that includes employee’s name, date and time)
(If a certificates of training is from the WCFA you do not need to send a copy)