Personnel Records Verification

Required Documents For Records Inspection of the Following Positions

Please submit JPEG or PDF files for email submissions

All records inspected need a government issued photo ID (Driver’s License, Passport, Tribal, etc…) This ID must be current. When you submit your records, check to be sure the ID you sent previously is not expired. If you’re not sure the records inspector will send a note requesting one.

Please click one or more of the following links to see what will be required for you to submit to assist in expediting your records inspection

Fallers/Ambulance: You will need to submit the following:
1. Un-expired Copy of government issued photo Id, i.e. Driver’s License, Passport, etc…
2. FFT2 (S-130/S-190, L-180) Certificate, Online classes must include proof of Field Day or Field Day certificate.
3. IS-100.c & IS-700.b FEMA Certificates
4. Current year RT-130 (only needed after the first year)
5. WCFT for current year (roster that includes your name, date and time)
(Only send certificates that are non-WCFA training)
Ambulance need to send current health card 

Firefighter II
You will need to submit the following:
1. Un-expired copy of government issued photo Id, i.e. Driver’s License, Passport, etc…
2. FFT2 (S-130/S-190, L-180) Certificate. (Online classes must include proof of Field Day or Field Day certificate).
3. IS-100.c & IS-700.b FEMA Certificates
4. Current year RT-130 (only needed after the first year)
5. WCFT for current year (roster that includes your name, date and time)
(Only send certificates that are non-WCFA training)


Advanced Firefighter I (FFT1): You will need to submit the following:
1. Copy of government issued photo Id, i.e. Driver’s License, Passport, etc…
2. FFT2 (S-130/S-190, L-180) (Online classes must include proof of Field Day or Field Day certificate).
3. Incident Experience for FFT2 (minimum 1 Incident, 1 operational period, documented on shift ticket or performance evaluation)
4. IS-100.c & IS-700.b FEMA Certificates
5. S-131 Certificate (req. After 1/99)
6. S-133 Certificate (req. After 1/06 until 10/2016 then included in S-131)
7. Incident Experience for FFT1 Trainee (minimum of 3 fires and 15 operational periods documented on shift ticket or performance evaluations during the taskbook period)
8. FFT1 Task book (complete book)
9. Current year RT-130
10. WCFT for current year (roster that includes your name, date and time)
(Only send certificates that are non-WCFA training)

Single Resource Engine Boss (ENGB): You will need to submit the following:
1. Copy of government issued photo Id, i.e. Driver’s License, Passport, etc…
2. FFT2 (Same as above)
3. FFT1 (Same as above)
4. IS-200 FEMA (req. After 10/12)
5. S-290 Certificate
6. S-230 Certificate (req. After 1/99)
7. Incident Experience for FFT1 after Taskbook is complete and before ENGB TB is initiated (minimum of 1 fire and 1 operational period documented on shift ticket or performance evaluation)
8. Incident Experience for ENGB Trainee (minimum of 3 fires and 15 operational periods documented on shift tickets or performance evaluations during the taskbook period)
9. ENGB Task book complete book
10. Current year RT-130
11. WCFT for current year (roster that includes your name, date and time)
(Only send certificates that are non-WCFA training)

Click Here for Detailed Instruction on Submitting Records Using the


  • Use the above information to see what’s required for each position
  • Send a self-addressed stamped return envelope to return your cards and verification form unless they will be returned via email
  • Make your payment on our website.  See information in the Inspection Cost page
The Contracting Team does not want to take away anyone's qualifications and they plan to assist in the process where it may be difficult to obtain records. Check to see if your certificates are from an approved MOU training provider and if you are missing any records contact Aaron Olmos to see how those records can be verified.

Aaron Olmos, Contract Operations Specialist 

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