WCFA Board Meeting – Online Zoom 1600 – 1800 – December 13, 2022

Meeting was called to order at 1604 by President Todd Graves. Secretary/Treasurer Danielle Sims along with board members: Greg Bailey, Tim Logozzo, Dave Rains, Reed Gracie and Will Judkins. Saul Labanauskas was absent.

Minutes from last meeting had been sent out to the board members to read in advance. No corrections were made to the minutes.  Motion to pass minutes as read by Reed Gracie, seconded by Tim Logozzo. Motion passed.

Treasurers Report was read by Treasurer, Danielle Sims.  Account Balances: Checking $43,218, Savings $60,086.  Profit and Loss was discussed with some discussion on higher cost of training materials.  It was because of having to buy new IRPG’s this year that went up from $2.88 to $6.00 each.  Motion to pass Treasurers report by Greg Bailey, seconded by Dave Rains. Motion passed.
Danielle informed the board that the IRS sent letters saying they needed more time to review our 990 filings regarding penalties. Danielle also let the board know that the $5000 check had been received by NWSA and the sent a receipt for the donation to the PAC in WA DC.
We have been paying $100 per year for a membership to the WA Fire Chief’s. This year it went up to $250. Danielle asked the board if we want to continue this membership.  After a short discussion the board decided not to continue the membership since there is no benefit to our belonging.

Training Committee Topics: Danielle discussed that the training season went well.  There was a discussion on how to handle giving out IRPG’s for future classes. It was decided to stay with the current plan to provided them to all students and tell the classes to only take one if they didn’t have one.  We also discussed if we should scrap the TB for FFT2 classes and go back to a test?  All agreed that the TB is not a good measuring tool to determine if the students have retained the information.  We are going to have a Training committee meeting in the near future to discuss this further and other items for the upcoming training season. With Saul Labanauskas’ resignation from the board and the TC, Reed Gracie was appointed as a new TC member.  This now make the committee consist of Todd, Tim, Dave, Reed and Danielle as Training Coordinator.

Old Business:

Fallers Problems: President Graves ask Dave & Reed to share any information they had on issues with faller contracts.  The biggest problem seems to be substituting a faller if one has to leave the fire. Currently the module gets de-mobbed if this happens. Reed shared that he had talked to Boise and other regions get to do this.  All decided that since the new solicitation for fallers is coming out soon that this needs to be a top priority. Todd and Dave will work on contacting the right people to see if we can have an effect on this.

Group purchasing (shelters, radios, tires, insurance): Todd said he hasn’t taken any new action on this. New radios have been talked about but haven’t come into play yet. No news on shelter changes. Todd said they may be hard to come by.  Todd will work on Tires and Ins. Greg said he knows a radio guy.

Committee Reports: No committees reports at this time.

Professionalism/Ethics provision and adaptation: It was decided to give a timeline for the review of the Code of Ethics by the membership for one week, December 20th. The members will be instructed to contact Danielle or Todd by the date if they have any questions or corrections they would like made.  If we do not hear from anyone or there are only minor changes the COD will sent to the board on December 27th for final approval and it will be adopted and sent to the membership on January 1st to be signed by all members as part of their requirements for membership.  Motion by Reed Gracie, seconded by Greg Bailey. Motion Passed.

Rattlesnake Ridge Membership was postponed from the spring meeting to see how the company fared over the season. Some discussion was had and it was decided to allow the General Membership to decide whether or not they should be considered for membership. Rattlesnake Ridge sent a letter in their absence for the spring meeting, which is allowed, but did not show up for this meeting when they had indicated they would attend.  Tim Logozzo said for the record that he would abstain from a vote.

Any other Old Business: None

New Business:

NWSA Conference Recap: Rather than spend time sharing now the board decided to share at the General Meeting.

Dispatch of State Fires – Flaws, Closest Resource for Planned need: Rather than spend time sharing now the board decided to share at the General Meeting.

IROC: Statusing and Delays: Rather than spend time sharing now the board decided to share at the General Meeting.

Appointment of Officers: Saul Stepping down. The board discussed past precedence on appointments to the VP position and appointing a new board member to fill the vacated spot.  Todd appointed Greg Bailey to VP and Greg accepted. We discussed leaving the EB#1 position vacant until the spring meeting according to the By-Laws.

Contracting Help – Video Aleesha Roedel of PTAC: The board decided as a matter of saving time that we would share the link to the video from PTAC rather than viewing it at the meeting.

Any other New Business: Reed Gracie wanted to know if others had received the email from the Department of Labor.  Some discussion. More discussion will happen at the General Meeting.

Spring Meeting TBD

Meeting Adjourned at 1809 hours. Motion to adjourn by Greg Bailey, seconded by Dave. Motion passed.

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