General Meeting Minutes 5/14/16

WCFA General Meeting May 14, 2016 – Wenatchee, WA.

Meeting was called to order by president, Kevin Curfman at 1626 hours.

Kevin Curfman, Saul Labanauskas, Gordy Reynaud, Shayne Poland, Dave Rains and Todd Graves were along with 24 members represented by 21 companies.

The minutes from the last meeting were read by secretary, Danielle Sims; motion to approve the minutes as read by Dan Shaw, 2nd by Harry Kronberg.

The treasures report was giving by, Danielle Sims. Due to limited time to prepare the report, the income and expense totals were not available. A complete, year-end total will be prepared for the fall meeting. Balances of our three accounts: PayPal’s undeposited funds = $19,044.07, (mainly training $), Checking = $19,102.96 and Savings = $35,012.61 for a grand total of $73,159.64. Motion to approve by Harry Kronberg, 2nd by Chad Sheets.

Old Business

President Kevin Curfman reviewed the earlier board meeting. Please see the minutes from that meeting for the details. The board formed a Political Action Committee (PAC) of Todd, Gordy. Kevin asked for volunteers from the membership to join, no one volunteered.

Danielle gave a review of the earlier Training Committee meeting. See those minutes for details about that meeting.

Kevin was going to have the State Fire Marshall come to the meeting but he was unable to at the last minute. Kevin reported that they keep telling the contractors to sign up with the local fire departments for initial attack. Some question were posed: What do we want in an agreement? Where does the state mob. money come from? What would the regional rate be? Do the chief’s know that contractors will be coming to sign up? Much discussion followed. Todd said we should table this discussion until we develop a proposal. Refer to the PAC. Harry Kronberg asked Kevin if he had talked to DNR about using in-state rather than out-of-state resources? Ongoing discussion followed.

Kevin gave an update on the website. Dan and Kevin are building a new website for us on WordPress. Kevin explained it will be much easier to maintain and more user friendly. Demonstration was given during the seminars earlier that day.

New Business

Election of officers:

Kevin Curfman was nominated for President by Saul Labanauskas, 2nd by Harry Kronberg, all approved. Kevin is reelected President. Todd Graves nominated Saul Labanauskas for Ex. Board #2, Dave Rains 2nd, all approved. Saul is re-elected Ex. Board #2. Saul Labanauskas nominated Dave Rains for Ex. Board #5, Brian Ireton 2nd, all approved. Dave is re-elected Ex. Board #5.

11 companies applied for membership this season. 8 members were present, 3 sent letters and 1 was an associate membership. Letters were read, new members spoke, and all were approved for membership with 1 year probation to be finalized at the spring 2017 meeting.

Kevin gave a presentation on how to properly fill out a taskbook. No other new business

Meeting adjourned at 1830 hours.

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