Training Committee Meeting May 18, 2019, Wenatchee

Call to Order – 1005

Minutes of last meeting were read by Danielle Sims.  A few questions about Fire in the Field training to clarify.  Motion to accept by Dave Rains, seconded by Kevin Curfman.

Danielle gave a review of training numbers so for this year.  Last year we trained 845 students by this time, this year we are at 924.  We discussed adding the core requirements listed in the FMCG 901-1 to the course description for the RT-130.  Danielle will begin doing this right away.  We also discussed a check list for the instructors to go over at the beginning of each class so nothing will be missed.  We will implement that for the next training season.

Shelter Training was discussed. 

  • We need to include the refolding video each year. 
  • Shelters must be refolded and put back in both bags so each person can start with a complete shelter.
  • If a student refuses to deploy they will not get a certificate.  However if a student cannot because of an injury or other limitation, they can come either to Danielle or the instructor and complete the deployment when their injuries or limitation has passes.  Successful deployment will earn them their certificate at that time.  (A video of them successfully deploying can be sent as long as the person can clearly be seen doing the complete deployment)
  • Hard hats and gloves should be worn during deployment.  This was not fully decided.  More discussion is needed on sanitation of hats.  Should we provide or students bring.  (Note: we have been monitored without doing this and it has never been a demerit against us.).

Changes to Training Policy – We reviewed changes to the training policy and they were to be implemented as soon as Dan Curfman could get them posted.

Training Material costs have increased by about 50% over the past year.  After comparing the cost of materials against our current class fees, it was decided that we do not need to increase our class fees at this time.

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