General Meeting Minutes 5/6/17

WCFA General Meeting – Wenatchee

Saturday May 6, 2017


Meeting was called to order at 1640 by President, Kevin Curfman.  31 members were present.

Minutes from the last meeting were read and approved. Jerry Lease motioned, Greg Bailey seconded,

Treasures report was reviewed.  Account balances: PayPal un-deposited funds: $2,269, Checking $35,298, Savings $45,022 for a grand total of $82,589.  Kevin explained that our reserved funds and fluctuating fire season could use up funds, also will look into hiring a lobbyist at a cost of $20k.  Motion to pass, Jerry Lease, 2nd Greg Bailey.  Motion passed.

Kevin gave an overview of our earlier board meeting.  See those minutes for detailed information.

Old Business

The WCFA will continue to pursue PAC activities.  Kevin and Todd are going to the Fire Chief’s Conf. later this month.  Kevin shared his ideas for his presentation.  Todd shared about his time there last year.  Kevin asked members for any pictures they might have that he could include in his presentation.

There was a discussion about working with state mob.  Signing up with Fire Departments isn’t working.  There is no standard for payments.  PAC will be working on this throughout the year.

One new member, A&E Tree Removal was voted into membership.

Membership was notified of a parade in Chelan on May 25th to remember the fallen firefighters.  All were asked to participate if they were able.

New Business

Election of officers was presented.  Shayne Poland was re-elected as Vice-President, Tim Logozzo EB #3, and Reed Gracie EB #4.  All nominations were accepted and motions passed for elections.

2016 problems or suggestions: Kevin suggested that we make our own status list within the association.   Danielle said that there were some issues with WCFT validity.  Discussion on how we might get verification.  Danielle was able to get proof that it was submitted the forest service.  Kevin suggested that we continue to use that method.

The board voted to pay Kevin $6000 for his services this year; also to pay Community Covenant Church $300 per year for the use of Danielle’s office there for WCFA business without re-approval and to pay $600 now for 2016 and 2017.  The guest speaker and the catering were also approved at an approximate amount of $1,650.

Meeting adjourned at 1800.


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