WCFA General Meeting Minutes – Wenatchee, Sept. 29, 2019

Call to Order- 1405
Kevin Curfman, Danielle Sims and 15 members were in attendance.

Minutes of Last Meeting were read and motion to approve with one correction made by John Schalo, seconded by Reed Gracie, motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report was given by Danielle. YTD income is: $96,825, YTD expenses are: $79,911 with a gross profit of $16,914. Account Balances as of September 23, 2019 are: Checking $32,014, Savings $60,058 for a total of $92,072. Kevin shared that we are in a solid financial position. Motion to accept report by John Schalo, seconded by Dan Shaw, motion passed.

Old Business
Kevin reviewed the earlier board meeting with the membership and let them know that most of it would be discussed as we continue.

Kevin shared from the previous Training committee report. He asked the members for input on topics they would like to see included in the coming year refresher. Jacob Burkhart said he’d like to see some personal technology control. Others brought up the importance of filling out shift tickets correctly. Kevin shared some of his ideas from the earlier meeting. One of those topics was cab and camp hygiene. Charlie Curtis shared that he is qualified to teach the S-211 pump class. He would like to see a unit on AAR and would be willing to develop it. We also talked about having students use gloves and hard hats during the shelter deployment. We also discussed adding fans to the deployment exercise.

Political Action Committee – Kevin shared they he and Todd went to the Fire Defense Committee meeting. The shared that we would like to be called in sooner as resources. They will continue to work on getting privates more involved. We were invited again to go to the Fire Chief’s Confrence but we don’t feel that it is worth our time. Kevin shared his disappointment from our last involvement.

Upgrades, Questions, problems, suggestions – Streamline the request for cross carding was a high priority. Danielle asked for changes to the class page that would only be visible to admin. This will assist in tracking class payments, changes and cancellations.

Other Old Business – Kurt Bartelheimer asked about state mob. Kevin shared that slow steps are in progress to get us more involved. Much discussion followed.

New Business

2019 Season – not much of one. Mike Meyers shared DNR inconsistencies on call outs. Mike called to find out why? Dispatch procedure – much discussion followed.

Missing equipment from new agreements – Kevin reviewed the information about 16 pieces of equipment that didn’t get on the agreement. He shared the steps that have been taken to try and get this resolved. We are still waiting on a response from DC.

New member, Ballard Ambulance, Erin Adam was introduced. Charlie Curtis and Kurt Bartelheimer had applied in the spring but were not able to attend. They shared about their companies. Motion by Will Judkins, seconded by Chad Sheets, Ballard Ambulance was accepted into membership.

Other new business
NWCG Meeting is coming up and they have several questions they ask associations to bring to the meeting. Kevin went over the questions with the members to get their input. Much discussion followed.

Kevin shared that he is getting out of the fire business. He will continue in his position until May. He will continue on as an instructor at least for the next training season. Everyone was shocked and saddened by the news. Many thanks were shared.

Discussion about the seminars for the spring meeting; Farm labor contracts was one item brought up.

The NWSA Conference in February is usually attended by Kevin and one board member. Kevin will not be going. We drew names and Dave was selected.

Todd made a motion to donate $500 to Chief Johnson who died in a fire in Okanogan County. Mike Meyers seconded, motion passed. Danielle will look into getting the funds to Chief Johnson’s family.

Meeting adjourned at 1600

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